
CAD/CAM, a magic tool

CAD/CAM, what do you need to try it out?
If you are a student och a hobbyist you can use Autodesk Fusion 360 for free.
The software is one of the most easy to use, with the whole youtube full with exemples that can show you everything a CAD/CAMmer will need to know.
It has a massive amount of free post processors for the CAM part included

Check it out on autodesk
If you'r more into NX, the whole CAD and Mill CAM course is right here


Why CAD and CAM? 

CAD are used to make models of a construction, machine parts, building, electrical schematics and so on on the computer.
The erlier way to make this was a engineer made the the model in paper format with pen and ruler, a competent work done by skilled crafting back in the days.

Today everybody uses advanced computer program to do the same thing.
The gain beside that the software helps you with most of the tasks, you make the model in 3 dimension, that can be used for lot of things like assably, stresstesting, CAD, drawings and so on


When the CAD software does models in 3 dimension the models can be used for making toolpaths, test runs and simulating CNC-programs before taking the program to the machine.
The CAM software makes the CNC code from the CAM setup yoou make in the software, the tool that convert the setup on hte screen to a CNC program called a Post Processor, they differ between different machines.

As an introduction you can watch the video that shows both the CAD and the CAM part 
scroll down to watch


Start using Fusion 360

There are better way to learn to use the software than my explanations at this moment, I shall make a guide when I figure out the best way to make it understandeble

Autodesk has got a guide that covers everthing.
Do you like video more check out Lars Christensen on youtube, he makes easy to learn videos
You can use my channel to, there you can find Autodesk Fusion 360 videos, that covers the most, they lack of narration unfortunately
Check it out here
An unofficial tool is the online CAD/CAM program on this site here Not tested by me. You can make a NC G Code file with it, it's possible to drag files into it (SVG, STL, gerber or excellon drill file) and make toolpaths.

If you'r more into NX, the whole CAD and Mill CAM course is right here



